In The beginning, Man had contact with Perfect Positive Knowledge
—for Positive Life and Heaven on Earth—
Through his Time Ark Service Modules and
Man was materialized here in physical bodies To perfect
The Pattern (spirit) dwelling within by obeying Universal Law.
Man had access To Perfect Knowledge Through The MEASURES, and knew how To live Positively—without wars, sickness, disease, pollution,
negative-energy dependence, a social-communst society of bond-slaves and a debt/tax-based economy.
He had Positive Knowledge but was given free moral agency
To obey Universal Law under The Positive Birthright,
or To go his own way, doing what he thought was right
under The negative Birthright.
After mankind had predominately chosen The negative Birthright, and
had Turned his back upon The Positive Knowledge of HIS MEASURES, he began To lose contact with his Great CREATOR.
Eventually, he lost contact with his Service Modules
and with The Holy MEASURES.
He Then could only rely on remembered information, partial records and oral history passed from father To son, so To speak.
As Time went on, man lived more and more The way which he Thought was right and eventually was operating by human nature alone.
However, mankind is only allowed To do This for
Three Cosmic Seasons or 6,000 years.
Man's 3 Seasons of free moral agency ended with The beginning of Armageddon. This is where you are now!
You are now in Point #1 of Armageddon!
But, Time Station Earth does not belong To mankind and
Creator YAHWEH has not abandoned HIS Remnant!
Perfect Positive "End Time" Survival Knowledge from Creator
YAHWEH's Holy MEASURES is available here now!
In accordance with The Great CREATOR YAHWEH's Will and Immutable Timetable for human events, The Outer Dimensions Forces (ODF) have returned in your Time Ark Service Modules with HIS Holy MEASURES To provide for your understanding of, your preparation for and your Positive survival Through The imminent actions of The present End Time of Armageddon.
Polar Adjustment Imminent!
The Poles of Time Station Earth (TSE) must be serviced Three Times during each 7,000 year dispensation—at The end of each of Three Cosmic Seasons. This action ensures That Time Station Earth continues as a proper human habitation—To fulfill HIS purpose! This is like The CREATOR’S “chiropractic adjustment” for The “health” of The Time Station—for The benefit and security of it and its inhabitants.
Under Command of The Positive Section of HIS Outer Dimensional Forces, your Service Modules are in position and ready To adjust earth’s polar axis by six degrees. The ODF of your CREATOR has set Seal #6 of Armageddon in MEASURED functional position for imminent activation! This polar shift/adjustment is an essential action, required periodically for Positive Timing, Cosmic Alignment and proper planetary balance.
At The present Time, The Sixth Fleet of The ODF is holding TSE’s poles in as stable a position as possible. If They were not, TSE would be experiencing such severe wobbles in its rotation That life would be impossible. As it is, you are seeing increased activity in major earthquakes, long-dormant volcanos erupting and extreme weather events all across The globe. The longer The activation of Seal #6 is held off, The more instability of relativity TSE will experience.
The real “climate change” so many cry about is just The obvious symptoms of The poles being out of Positive alignment. "Humatons" can do nothing about The “climate change” They experience. Yes, mankind’s actions on earth and The negative effects of decades of dump-energy abuse do have an impact on the environment, but humatons cannot Take any action To really alter The “climate crisis”, as it is beyond mankind’s ability To Shift The poles.
This can only be done by your 5-Dimensional Time Ark Service Modules!
In addition, The Great CREATOR YAHWEH does not intend To allow humatons To annihilate each other nor turn Time Station Earth into an uninhabitable planet!
The negative Empire is MEASURED for Total "de-cycling"! A Positive functional government under Universal Law is ready To replace The present negative one and is ready To implement "Heaven on Earth".
The Positive Functional Government, will be Commanded by The ONE who is Superior To any human leader, president, or king---Commander YAHSHUA HAMASHIIA! He is The One you’ve been misled into calling “Jesus Christ”. Commander Hamashiia is The Christ, but He rejects “Jesus Christ” because it is a degraded identification given To Him by degenerated man. He has returned—just as He promised, some 2,000 years ago!
But, before The Positive Government is fully established, a cleanup is necessary!! This current negative way of life is overdue for complete and unconditional recycling! A “Great Cleansing” is necessary To prepare for The Millennial Age—a 1,000-year Positive Birthright lifecycle for mankind. This cleansing will begin when The Great YAHWEH's 6th Seal is activated at 6:00 pm preceding S. Day. (Partially described in Revelation 6:12-17 of your fractionated history book, The Bible.)
The polar adjustment—on "S. Day"—will cause Time Station Earth To undergo a period of great upheaval. The brunt of This upheaval will be centered on "The Manasseh Complex"—The North American Continent. Severe convulsions of The land mass will render major portions of This continent unsafe for habitation for a period of Time, and will cause it To end up with a new configuration! Mountains will go down, new mountains will come up, rivers will change course and The coastlines will Take on new shapes!
These massive earth-changes, and subsequent actions under Seal #6, will require evacuation off The Manasseh Complex for Those who wish To stay alive.
You cannot just flee To The mountains and "live off The land" until The Threat is gone. You cannot just "believe in Jesus" and be saved.
The Cleansing of This continent will be 100% complete—by Divine Decree! There will be no escape if you remain. Unless you are off The continent by 6:00 pm preceding “S. Day”, it is MEASURED that you will have lost all chance for Positive physical survival Through This phase of Point #1 of Armageddon. If you are To survive in a Positive manner, you must be off This continent. There is no other way!
If you are reading This, Then Thank your Savior and Commander, Yahshua Hamashiia, for allowing you further Time To make your choice for Positive survival.
There are only Two options for possible survival left at This extreme late date.
( All "T"s are capitalized in words on This site To emphasize The word "Time". )
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